
Please Note:
Only Hunter Valley Law Society members are entitled to create or post on topics.
If you wish to create an account, please register and wait for account approval from the Governance Committee. If you are not a member, you will not be approved.
Kind regards, The Hunter Valley Law Society Committee.

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Hunter Valley CLE and AGM - Friday, 22 November 2024

Dear Members,


I am pleased to be able to invite you to our next CLE which has been arranged for Friday, 22 November 2024.


I have attached details of the CLE and program.


It will be held at  The Williams Room, The Bradford Hotel, Rutherford from 10.00am and will conclude at 4.00pm, with Christmas Drinks to follow after the event.


The CLE is free for members and $60 for non members.


Please RSVP to this email address by 8 November 2024.

The HVLS will also be holding its AGM as part of the CLE at 12.30pm.

I also attach:

1. Notice of Annual General Meeting (AGM);
2. Agenda for AGM;
3. Committee Nomination Form;
4. Minutes from previous AGM.

We encourage Members to nominate to the Committee .

Should you have any queries arising out of the contents of this email, please contact me.

Kind Regards
Dane Twohill
Secretary, Hunter Valley Law Society

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